Offbeat Tassie Artist

Offbeat Tassie Artist is a local, Tasmania Artist artist. She recently began producing art in 2023, after 19 years of hiatus. Inspired by Tasmanian’s pristine surroundings and motivated by talented local artists she picked up a paintbrush and began painting again.

She has a passion for colorful abstract art and graffiti art. She is now an active artist, exhibiting her work within local Tasmanian galleries, art stores and art shows.

She is actively working to raise awareness, donations, and volunteers for Borongo Wildlife and NMR North through the platform of her art. Creating awareness of our endangered species found within Tasmania, like the Giant Freshwater Crayfish in the North West. 

‘Colourful Lady’ Jessica Jones

“The Colourful Lady” was created to express the rich tapestry of human emotions through vibrant colours. As I delved into the concept of ‘Life Transitions’, I discovered that we experience significant changes every 12 to 18 months. Some of these transitions bring joy, like the bliss of marriage, the excitement of buying your first home, or the warmth of welcoming a new family member. Yet, others weigh heavily on our hearts, such as losing a job, facing relationship struggles, or mourning the loss of a loved one. These profound emotions can create turmoil within us, often manifesting as guilt, shame, or fear. I wanted to convey that these feelings, while challenging, are also beautiful. The cooler shades of blue and purple colours that adorn her head symbolise the inner conflict and confusion that accompany these emotions, making her head feel heavy with their weight. In contrast, the vibrant, warm tones that flow through her limbs represent the anxiety and restless energy that arise as she seeks to release the tension within. Together, they create a stunning rainbow of human emotions, reminding us that every feeling we experience is valid and worthy of expression.

If you or someone you know is experiencing distress, seek help and support from Lifeline 13 11 14, the Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467, Call HealthDirect on 1800 022 222. In an emergency, call Triple Zero 000